"How I focus and flourish in winter months."

Tips for healthy hair, body and mind
3-minute read


Hello lovely Paradisefold community! In this first blog of the year, we discuss January / winter blues, hair, and tips to keep things happy and healthy in our bodies and minds.

At Paradisefold we believe that joy, confidence, and adopting new, fresh habits begin with embracing the small stuff – and yes, that includes our hair game. Read on for some of our core tips.



Throughout the winter months, winter blues can be real and debilitating. That’s why we advocate for taking a holistic approach to well-being, which means looking after our bodies and nurturing our minds. Here are some season-specific tips we love:

  • Book in enough me-time. As mothers, partners, sisters and friends we tend to put those around us first and when we get busy, self-care time can start to slip. Remember to take care of yourself. Take a couple of minutes to breathe mindfully every morning, and maybe treat yourself to a spa day once in a while (schedule it in!). These free breathwork sessions by Aicha McKenzie Instagram are an excellent resource to get you started. 
  • Staying active helps, whether through a cosy indoor workout or a brisk winter stroll. We recommend keeping it simple: our Creative Director, Andrea, loves using Asana Rebel* for regular, short, 5-to-10-minute yoga sessions five days a week. 
  • Prioritise sleep to recharge both body and mind, and consider incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga into your routine. 
  • Finally, make time for activities that bring joy, whether it's reading a good book, indulging in a creative hobby, or enjoying quality time with loved ones.


As the winter chill envelops us, the lack of moisture in cold weather causes hair to dry and break more easily, which can frustrate our morning routine. Here are some tips to combat hair dryness and breakage.

  • Be mindful of your hair care routine: incorporate a nourishing shampoo and conditioner into your routine, with moisture-sealing properties, and deep conditioners.
  • Preferably avoid using a hair dryer altogether. If you must (we all do sometimes!) apply a lower heat setting and use appropriate heat protector.
  • Trim your hair every couple of months. These help encourage healthy growth, and some studies have even shown that a hair cut–especially if we’re going through a traumatic life change, such as illness or a break up–can provide a sense of control and even an emotional release. Who knew?! (I guess on some level, we’ve all known this, but I love it when science validates our practical experience.)
  • Finally, use moisture-sealing hair protection, like our mulberry silk hair Turbans and Folds (of course!), and our soon-to-be released silk pillowcases. These help lock-in moisture, reduce friction and reduce breakage, and can also become part of a serene night-time ritual to unwind and rest.

Remember, the health of our hair and bodies are intimately intertwined. Make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet, top up on vitamin D, eat plenty of seeds and nuts. Our winter hair care mantra extends beyond aesthetics; it's a commitment to self-care, embracing your fabulous self, and confidently striding through the cold months on the path of personal growth.


We’ve designed Paradisefold to cultivate the quiet personal moments of ritual, luxury and transformation that help us flourish as individuals and within our communities. We hope these tips help, and please feel free to join us and share your winter hair and body tips, and any helpful resources, in the comments below.


*All suggestions are our / our team’s own - we do not monetise any links to any products. Share your recommendations below. 💚


Mayer, Beth. 2022.


Vogue, 2019.

Why winter is wreaking havoc on your hair—and how to solve it



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