"I've always wanted to launch take the plunge and launch this project"


Celebrating entrepreneurship and risk taking this birthday month.

Last week, we officially turned three years old! 

When Paradisefold was launched, our Founder Andrea took a risk, starting a baby brand in an entirely new field. That's why, to celebrate this milestone, this month we're diving into what it takes to change career and / launch your own project.

In this month's Make Your Mark discussion, Andrea spoke with Layla Maghribi. Layla left behind a successful career as a journalist to launch the podcast Third Culture Therapy. TCT looks at mental health from a cultural perspective. They discussed confidence, deciding to change careers, the blessings of ignorance (no you don't need to have it all mapped out before starting!), and the practical tips we could all learn from if we're thinking of starting something new.

Click the link, and let us know what you think!


Paradisefold xx


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